Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Update for 20101130

November closed out great for me, even though I missed another winning trade since last post! The difference between what my return should have been, had I taken every trade setup this month, and what it currently is came to 7.2% lower than it should be. Put another way, I would have basically made up all of my losses from October.

But what's done is done, and I can only move on, trying my best to stay awake at the desk. It's not like I had problems staying awake at my day job before this, so I suspect it is a combination of third shift hours, lack of social interaction, proximity to my bed, and overall lack of continuous activity.

I've included the "theoretical %" line again on the equity curve, because it's now taken back over the actual % return. The theoretical return is calculated from assuming I had taken every trade setup I have identified since inception. When the actual return was greater than the theoretical return in the past, it was due to my dozing off and morning runs missing more losers than winners ;)

I will need a similar stellar return in the two-and-a-half weeks of December that I'll be trading if I want to be able to pay myself off of trading income this quarter. Sucks that I'm in a hole like that!

Up 16.7% month-to-date
Up 15% since inception (4/19/2010)

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