Thursday, June 17, 2010

Update for 20100614-17

Started the week out with two losses and one win, taking me down to a little above my starting equity. Sometimes I try to force out-of-body moments and take a look at how I feel (psychoanalyze myself?), and I can definitely notice a difference in my morale between equity highs and lows. I haven't been learning that much about literal trading lately, as in new ideas and testing systems, but all of this self-analysis has not been wasted.

I had my first dream of my account blowing up, which was very scary particularly because I tried to wake myself up from the dream and couldn't ("this must be a dream...wake up! wake up!") The cause of the margin call was some hundreds-of-pips gap in the euro, but I never found out its cause. Thankfully it was just a dream... but the possibility remains real, albeit very, very small.

As for this morning, the Swiss LIBOR rate sent the euro and franc spinning, and I was not in the markets at all. It doesn't look like I'll be in any trades for the rest of the day, so I'm knocking off a few minutes early.

Down 7.6% month-to-date
Up 2.5% since inception (4/19/2010)

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